
Holandesa, ingles y alemana

Se traduce todo lo que pertenece a la aplicación, pero no los textos de usuario que se hayan añadido.

Puede cambiar de idioma utilizando el cambio de idioma. Está ubicado en la parte superior de la página o en el lado izquierdo de la pantalla. Esto depende de en qué página te encuentres.

No, no admitimos traducciones habladas.


Es posible que su cuenta esté bloqueada o que la contraseña y/o el correo electrónico se hayan ingresado incorrectamente. Verifique sus datos, cambie su contraseña o contáctenos para obtener más ayuda.

Si ha iniciado sesión, puede cambiar su contraseña en la configuración de la cuenta. Si no ha iniciado sesión, puede hacer clic en el enlace en la pantalla de inicio de sesión para cambiar su contraseña. Luego recibirá un correo electrónico con más instrucciones para cambiar su contraseña.

Inicie sesión en su cuenta, vaya a la configuración de la cuenta y actualice la información necesaria, como nombre, foto de perfil, etc.

No puede eliminar su cuenta usted mismo, pero si desea hacerlo, contáctenos y lo ayudaremos más.

No, tu dirección de correo electrónico debe ser única y, por lo tanto, solo puede pertenecer a 1 cuenta.


We offer the intervals weekly, monthly and yearly when viewing your data.

It may be that your page has not had any visitors yet or that you have just created your page. Then it will take a while before data becomes available.


We currently support 24 socials including YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Spotify and we keep adding more socials so you can always search for your content.

Yes, we support a number of socials where you can connect your account to directly search for your own content and then use it in your list.


If you cannot find the right content link via our social media integrations, you can always manually add a link to the content you want.

No, if you use our social media integrations you can only use 1 content link at a time from the same link. If you want multiple links of the same content in your list, they must be added manually without our social integrations.


Depending on your package/subscription, you can create 1, 4 or an unlimited number of lists

Depending on your package, you can add 10, 50 or unlimited links to a list.

You can view your list by going to the specific URL of the list or by going to your list overview in your dashboard and visiting your list from there.

Your list will not be accessible to users if it is not yet published or has a status other than active. To check whether it is active, this can be done in the list overview.

You can share the link of your list or by using the sharing functionality on the page, which is indicated with an icon.


You can use the Famebuilder player by clicking on the play icon on your list page, the player will open and you can play your links.

On your list page there is a play icon that you can click on. This will open the player and you can play your links.


You can personalize your profile by going to "my profile" overview in the dashboard and choosing the possible options available here.

Yes, you can highlight a list on your profile. You can set this in the "my profile" settings.

There is currently no limit to the number of social media links you can display on your profile. Please note that the more links you add, the fuller your profile page becomes.


We offer 3 plans. These are the Free, Advanced and Pro plans.

Yes, you get an extra 10% discount if you pay annually instead of monthly

The differences between the plans are mainly the price and the featues included in the plan. For an overview of all prices and features, you can go to the plans page.


Depending on the payment provider, we offer the following payment methods: iDEAL, Credit Card and SEPA.

Yes, our payments are available on a recurring basis in the form of a subscription.

We support the payment methods of Stripe and Mollie.

No, if your payment details are still correct, the next payment will be processed automatically. If this is not the case, payment details may have to be entered again.